Is Being a Locksmith Dangerous?

Dangers of being a locksmith

There are some jobs that come with a degree of danger - policeman, fireman, a soldier - and it is expected that the individuals who do these jobs put their own safety at risk.

However, there are some that are considered fairly safe. Accountants. Retail workers. Even plumbers. These roles are thought of as harmless without any danger at all.

So, which area does locksmiths come under? It is assumed that they have a safe role but they can often come into contact with dangerous situations whilst on the job.

Locksmiths protect our safety

Before you question whether being a locksmith really is dangerous, first ask yourself what they predominantly deal with - locks. What do locks do? Protect us or our assets from other people.

If a locksmith is there, it may be fair to assume that the security system is not running as it should be. This could be a broken door or locks that have not yet been fitted.

What is dangerous about being a locksmith?

Injuries from metal shavings or splinters

Through situations such as making a new key or filing down locks, locksmiths can come into contact with a lot of metal shavings. These can be especially dangerous if they get into their eyes as it can scratch the cornea and even lead to partial blindness if not treated well.

This is the same with tiny fragments called splinters. These can be either made up of wood or metal and can deeply lodge into the skin which causes a whole host of problems. The splinters can lead to infections, cysts and painful wounds.

A simple way to avoid these dangers is to wear the appropriate protective gear. Eye coverings and gloves paired with thick trousers and jackets will help to shield the skin or eyes.

Noise pollution

One area of danger many locksmiths face, that a lot of people do not consider, is noise pollution. They are often right next to loud machines or tools which can cause irreversible damage to their ears, leading to tinnitus and difficulty hearing.

This is another quick fix. Locksmiths can wear certified ear protectors or plugs to muffle the sound of these machines.

Encounters with aggressive individuals

Some locksmiths will work alongside banks, the police force or repossession companies to allow officials access to properties. But if there are people still in the property, tense and potentially dangerous situations can occur.

Locksmiths are the first ones at the door as they will be actively picking the lock. This means, if an aggressive individual is waiting behind the door, the locksmith will be right there.

This element of danger can be avoided if a locksmith chooses to. They can decide to not take on any jobs that involve any potentially hazardous situations or, if they do still take them on, ensure every precaution has been taken by those employing them

Lead poisoning

On a day-to-day basis, locksmiths often work with lead. This can be through rekeying or making new keys and can cause a lot of problems.

Even a tiny amount of lead can affect a person’s nervous system, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) stating that lead poisoning will result in long-term particularly with an increased risk of high blood pressure and kidney damage.